Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 7 Review

How did it go?
Well I got sick with some weird 24-hour kinda thing, so my eating went to crap for a few days (not enough meals), then the weekend was busy and I didn't get a chance to do eat enough meals either! Add in a few cheat meals and not enough exercise, not a good week!

34/42 - So Wed and Thurs I only got in 5 meals, and I ate pasta without exercising. Then Friday I ate pizza - although I only had 2 slices. Then Saturday I ate ice cream and pavlova my sister made (it was quite delicious though). Really want to get back on track this week!!

9 points. Did all RE sessions. I am proud though cos I did one session at my gym which I haven't been to in ages!

127.1!!! And on the weekend it was 126.5 or so!! I also feel skinner in the hips.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 6 Results

Scales down: 2.6kg

Gained muscle: 2.8kg
Total Fat Loss: 5.4kg!!

Hips: -6cm
Waist: -4cm
Chest: -5cm
Shoulders: -2cm
Arms: -2cm
Thigh: -2cm
Calf: -1cm
Total CM loss: 22cm

Bicep: -5
Tricep: -3
Back: -6
Hip: -7
Tummy: -7

Week 6 Review

How did it go?
Plodding along...

39/42 - Monday to Friday I was pretty good. Saturday I ate white bread and some doritos. My gosh I felt so bloated after! Plus a sleep in Sunday so didn't get in a 6th meal.

12 points. Again, more intensity required in ICE sessions

Umm.. I think 128.4.. it's not really changing :(

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week 6 Menu

A bit late in the week to be posting this, but for posterity:

Pizza + Garlic Bread (takeaway - naughty I know!)

Salmon, steamed asparagus and snow peas

Roast Lamb + Roast potato, sweet potato and carrot

BBQ Sweet Chicken Kebabs   + Salad

Steak + Stir Fry Veg

Thai Chicken Rissoles + Brown Rice + Steamed Broccoli


Week Five Review

How did it go?
Wow the time flies - week 5 done and dusted. Starting to really feel this whole program is working. Even though the scales have been moving down, and I can tell I had lost some cms in some places, I didn't actually 'feel' it. But this past week I have been.. and it's great!

37/42 - A bit down this week from my usual 38+. Had a meal of pizza and garlic bread on the Friday. Tasted delicious, but boy I paid for it the next day. Also the 6th meal on the two weekend nights was non-existent (well Saturday I had a mint hot chocolate from San Churro - it was deeeelicious! No regrets there haha).

12 points. But I think I can 'do more' in my ICE session - go harder!

128.2 - About 200g down so not much really, but as I said I *feel* skinnier, so that's got to count for something right!

I have my '6 week' followup next Monday (so Day 1 of Week 7) so will be interesting to see the results - I can't wait to see them!!

Still here!

Oh crap, just realised I haven't been posting here! Don't worry I haven't fallen off the bandwagon - just been too busy I guess to update :)

It's week 6 now and I actually feel like change is happening. I feel skinnier - ok I am far from skinny, but I do feel smaller than I was. I can see some definition in my arms. It's all progressing!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014